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Where families, and friends grow strong together

Welcome to the Sport Karate/ASKA website!
Our style of martial art is Traditional  ITF (International Taekwon-Do Federation),  mix of other arts, such as Karate, Aikido. Grapling for self-defence
We are located in the North East Denver area

Sport Karate is a Traditional School of ITF (International TaeKwonDo Federation), a member of CKA (Colorado Karate Association), and NAPMA (National Association of Professional Martial Artists). We strive to maximize achievement in a fun, supervised, friendly and safe atmosphere.
- Various Martial Arts Forms

Taekwondo, meaning "the way of the hand and foot," is a general term used to describe Korea's national sport. We train in a ITF and traditional Korean forms. We supplement these punches and kicks with self-defense techniques and overall endurance and flexibility training.
- What Is Tae Kwon Do?
- Lịch sử Thái Cực Đạo ‘Taekwondo’

Karate training takes place in a formal atmosphere with an emphasis on etiquette and self-control as well as physical ability. Training generally is divided into the practice of basic techniques and sparring. While sparring, students stop blows just short of contact so that power is always maintained with control.
- What Is Karate?

Aikido is a Japanese martial art involving a wide range of throws, joint locks, and takedowns. Aikido does not focus on punches and kicks, but rather on how to deflect the impact of punches and kicks
"Akido is not a sport. It is a way of life."
- What Is Aikido?
- Kĩ thuật chiến đấu Aikido

Physical Fitness includes much more than just exercises. Exercise is an important ingredient to being fit and healthy, but being fit is a way of life. It requires us to know how the body works and how to train the body to perform at its best. Being fit increases our energy and stamina and our ability to concentrate, and leads to a longer, healthier life.

Women’s Self Defense self defense for women. This dedicated course addresses the special needs of women in today’s world, and can be made available to your co-workers, or to groups and independent organizations.

We’re in the business of changing lives. We give you the physical and mental power to reach your goals no matter what they are.

Sport Karate  offer complete fitness programs for kids, teens, men, and women Self Defense.
Develop Confidence, Heighten Awareness,
     Focus & Concentration, Strength & Balance, and Safety Skills.
  • Ages 6 and Up
  • Great Family Rates you can Afford
  • Positive Family Oriented Environment
  • Excellent Program & Professional Standard
  • Women self-defense program of all ages
  • Male & Female Certified Black Belt Instructors
  • Best Monthly Rates In Henderson, Thornton, Brighton, Northglenn & Westminster

     Stop by our facility today for a tour and ask about our FREE introductory class.

Hien van Pham
Chief Executive Officer & President    

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